Meaning of a family

Families are an integral part of our lives. When we grew up and lived a small family, father, mother, sister, brother, grandfather, grandmother, and so on. Experiences during childhood that brings us to the maturity of thinking about life. Love of parents is given as the main family, we can take a big influence on our lives.
Thankful that we were born from families that provide love and affection to us. Imagine if we did not have parents who love us, or are in the family who does not know God. Of course it will give a psychological impact on us. And not little children who are in the black world as a family 'broken home'. Behavior of the hardware environment makes us suspicious of simple emotions and other people around us.
Religious understanding is not far from the influence of family and upbringing. When we are born from the influence of family sholeh kesholehan will be seen from our actions, even though it is not guaranteed. Similarly, when we were born and bred from a family that disobey God, then the impact will be felt in our lives. Very few people can escape from the bad influences of family, even though it is not impossible to happen.
The same thing will happen is when we start to become parents, the children began to grow up and recognize their environment. Our existence will determine the next path of life of the child. When we and the environment provides a good example will give the value of the child. On the other hand also the same bad environment will inhibit the children's psychological development. Consequently, we must learn how to be good parents to our children.
Now at the age of the adults, plus more responsibility for raising our children anal, felt that temper our parents on our behavior. Felt love how they are so in us.
Often imagined face of a loving parent, a loving sisters, funny behavior polah sisters, as well as grandparents, aunts, who are ever present in our lives, when trials come our block. Apparently the family had a remarkable sense in us, especially me.

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